Archive for the ‘ Uncategorized ’ Category

What’s the Difference when You See Kawartha Total Foot Care Centre for Orthotics?

Would you see your optometrist for a cavity? It would be like seeing your dentist for a broken arm or your chiropodist/podiatrist for a spinal chiropractic manipulation. It makes no sense. The expertise and training is completely mismatched. Yet, when it comes to treating foot pain, particularly in the case of prescription custom orthotics, people […]

New Life for “Old Soles”

Kawartha Total Foot Care Centre Chiropodists Nadine Webster & David Murphy pose with a sample of the shoes collected. Kawartha Total Foot Care Centre has been collecting gently used shoes for the past few months so that these “old soles” can be reincarnated to help others. For young and old, footwear is an essential part […]

A "SOFT" Approach to Foot Pain

For anyone suffering from foot, heel, or ankle pain, the there’s nothing “soft” about it. In fact, the “hard” truth is that the pain can be so severe as to become debilitating. However, the acronym “SOFT” (Structure, Over-use, Footwear, Trauma) is a helpful way for patients to understand foot-related pain and some of the things […]

A Matter of Life and Limb

Readers of our blogs often compliment the fact that we provide helpful health facts with a bit of humour. However, there are some topics where the reality is anything but funny. Such is the case with a statistic released by Health Canada late last month that there are over 2,000 diabetes-related lower-limb amputations in this […]

Healthy, Pain-Free Feet Make for Happier Winter Activities

 “Encyclopaedia Biomechanica” is published quarterly by Kawartha Total Foot Care Centre. It features helpful information on different aspects of your body’s biomechanics (how your muscles and joints work together to help you move) and gait (how you walk), the kinds of problems that can occur, and how feet affect your whole body from the ground […]